An Indirect Approach to Using Direct Composite Veneers
Presenter: Dr. Ross Nash
Release Date: 12/15/15
Credits: 1 CEU, Free Self-Study
Expiration Date: 12/15/28
AGD Subject Code: 610
Reviewed: 2025
Dr. Nash will discuss a technique for utilizing direct composite veneers as a scaffolding for indirect restoration, allowing for less chair time for the patient and dentist. Other benefits of the indirect approach are the ability to use a luting agent to alter the color of the veneer upon placement and the opportunity for a team approach with an auxiliary performing the fabrication of the composite veneers. In this CE webinar, Dr. Nash will illustrate an actual case in a step-by-step fashion and discuss its application in clinical practice.
Upon completion of this CE webinar, the student will: 1. Understand the advantages of composite resin veneers 2. Identify the specific cases that lend themselves to an indirect approach to a direct composite veneer 3. Learn a technique for indirect fabrication of composite veneers 4. Understand the placement technique for indirectly fabricated composite veneers
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