Practical Approaches to Effective and Safe Instrument Processing
Presenter: Dr. Fiona Collins
Release Date: 9/28/17
Credits: 1 CEU, Free Self-Study
Expiration Date: 9/28/28
AGD Subject Code: 148
Reviewed: 2025
This CE webinar will address the importance of instrument reprocessing in the context of historical information, antimicrobial resistance and enabling sterilization. A review of the key steps involved and PPE will be provided. This is followed by a discussion on options for effectively and safely cleaning and reprocessing instruments and devices during reprocessing. The role of mechanical and digital technology will also be addressed.
The overall goal of this CE webinar is to provide information on instrument reprocessing and options for doing so. After taking this webinar, participants should be able to: • Review the steps involved in instrument reprocessing • List and describe methods to help avoid sharps injuries during instrument reprocessing • Discuss the role of technology in effective and safe instrument cleaning, reprocessing and process logging
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